Sounds Coming Out of the Land #2: Heavy Music

Listen: I’ve mostly been hiding out in a sleepy part of New Jersey, because NYC is totally overwhelming to me, but in a few hours I’m going to be in Brooklyn to meet with a most prestigious Lake Erie Bass Monster and then run over to Cynthia Sley’s house. If you keep up with the show, I’m sure you’ll hear bits from those meetings on the show eventually.

This show was finally archived on the Echobox Mixcloud, but it was broadcast with some issues that weren’t fixed before it was archived and it’s my preference for you all to hear this broadcast in the way in which it was intended to be heard. This episode is focused on the cutting edge radio culture in Northeast Ohio between the ’50s and ’70s and the rapid developments in popular music during those years. It features an interview I conducted with Robert Kidney of 15-60-75 (The Numbers Band) at the restaurant in the old train depot in Kent, Ohio. It’s beautiful there, especially when Mr. Kidney is reciting the lyrics to his most recent songs to you. I’ll be working on the next episode when I return to the Land; it is scheduled to be broadcast July 2nd, 10:00 Land Time, 16:00 ‘Dam Time. It’s going to be an expansion on this episode, because the topic is so, so, rich. This episode is dedicated to Scott Pickering, Bob Seger, and Doc Nemo for inspiring me. Thank you for listening.


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